Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm Back Bitches!!!

You know how the longer you put off something, the harder it becomes to do it? Yeah, that’s the reason for my break from this blog (and just when I was starting to post regularly too). Anyway, there were so many things to post about that I didn’t know what to choose. My birthday (and the still sort of bruised knee I have to commemorate it)? My trip to Iowa and job interview with the Stanley Foundation? Life at the Alexi for Illinois campaign? My hatred of know-it-all, condescending, self-absorbed, status obsessed social climbers? An Update on Operation: Get My Life Together? My newfound love of “How I Met Your Mother”? My plan to go all “Fight Club” on Sallie Mae and blow up their corporate offices? The Democrats STILL being a bunch of pussies? All viable options (and things I still may still write about) and yet I didn’t choose anything. Sigh. I really need to stop putting things off (you should see my inbox).

Anyway, I am alive, healthy and happy…for the most part. Now that I have broken the seal (for lack of a better image) and resumed my postings, there should be more regular postings now. Lucky you. ;)

But in the mean time, here’s a commercial that’s been playing here that definitely led to a “WTF?” moment and repeat to make sure it was as it seemed. Oh tv, how you make life interesting…