Sunday, April 25, 2010


Yes, I remember that I have a blog. The problem is that nobody wants to hear me constantly gripe about my unemployment (although I am currently working on something that would hopefully end that) and the only thing that I do consistently enough to write about is the campaign but I can't blog about that (campaign rules). I could talk about the randomness of Chicago but most of you aren't from - or haven't been to - Chicago so most of you wouldn't get what I'm griping about (Mike and I have actually talked about starting a blog based on all of the cell phone pics we take of shit you would only see in Chicago). So basically I'm stuck for the moment.

However, if you want a more steady stream of me (and who wouldn't?), you can follow me on Twitter (@riverdalesucks). I'm on it all the time due to some new campaign duties so I figured I should do my own thing on there as well. You will retweets related to the senate race but you'll also get my own opinions about things as well as my random ass gripes. Think of it as getting texts from me (and feel free to respond).

Anyway, time to get back to that thing that will hopefully work out and get me employed. Keep your fingers crossed. :)

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